Have a Thriving Business at the Lake!

Owning a business is a rewarding experience, but it can also be incredibly difficult, especially now. At Lake West Chamber of Commerce, we are here for you through the good times and the bad to help make sure your business has as many resources as possible to thrive. From networking and community events to exclusive referrals and increased visibility, Lake West Chamber provides it all. Today we are helping out by sharing a few tips that could help you and your business succeed in any business climate. If you own a business at the Lake of the Ozarks, this is for you!

Start with a Team

There are a lot of inspirational quotes about teamwork for a very good reason. A strong team makes for a strong organization. Having a strong team starts with hiring the right people. You may have a specific set of qualifications in mind for the candidates you are considering as your next hire. Years of experience, education, references, etc. These are all very important; however, there is one key factor that a lot of hiring managers miss when vetting potential employees. Culture fit.

You have worked hard to cultivate a certain culture within your team - one that is supportive, positive, and ambitious. Imagine what might happen if your next candidate were someone that constantly complained, was pessimistic about projects, and only did the bare minimum required. That could cause issues within your team that would be hard to fix. Be sure your next hire will strengthen your team and support the company culture before extending an official offer.

Always Be Networking

Networking is an incredibly powerful tool to utilize for your business. Some people are struggling to network in an increasingly digital age, but technology can actually help improve your networking capabilities. Having a strong online presence for your business helps make great connections with potential customers as well as businesses that would be happy to trade referrals with you.

When you meet with a business owner, whether it is in person or over a video conference call, listen to their business needs and see how you might be able to help them with referrals or even your own services. Instead of going into a sales pitch every time you meet someone new, you can make strong connections by listening to others and helping solve a need of theirs first. Truly successful networking is a give and take.

Join Local Organizations

One really great way to improve your networking opportunities and become well-known in your community is by joining local organizations that are involved. Chambers of Commerce like Lake West Chamber are great resources that can provide you with instant business connections and referrals to potential customers visiting the area. Joining an established organization like this puts you ahead of other companies that aren't taking advantage of their resources.

If you are interested in boosting your business and taking advantage of a membership with the Lake West Chamber of Commerce, give us a call! We are more than happy to help answer any questions you may have about becoming a member, membership benefits, and anything else you're looking for as a business owner at the Lake of the Ozarks. We are here for you!

Building a stronger economy and a better business community since 1987!

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