8 Membership Levels Available at Lake West Chamber!

At the Lake of the Ozarks West Chamber of Commerce, we have set up a tiered structure for membership.  This allows each member to budget and choose the level of participation that fits their needs and invest accordingly. There are eight different levels in the tiered membership structure along with a non-business level that is for individuals, civic, organizations, and clubs.

President Level Investment – $2550/Value – $7,900

Banner – As a President Level Member, your company will have a 3 x 8 colored logo banner that will be displayed at Outdoor Chamber Events.
Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 8 Complimentary tickets for the event.
Chamber office – A room named after your business, with a plaque prominently displayed at the office.
Permanent Signage – 2×4 Sign prominently displayed in the West Wing conference room of the Chamber building.
Weekly E-Mail Blasts – Your Company Logo will be prominently displayed on the Weekly E-mail Blasts.
Lake West Business Expo – You will receive a complimentary premium booth.
Additional Business  Four additional businesses can be listed the same as your primary business on all marketing materials and directories.
Additional Categories – Four additional categories to list your business. (Provides five locations in the Directory for your business)

Investor Level Investment – $2,050/Value – $5,500

Banner – As an Investor, your company will have a 3 x 6 colored logo banner that will be displayed at Outdoor Chamber Events.
Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 8 Complimentary tickets for the event.
Weekly E-Mail Blasts – Tiered Company Logo sponsoring the Weekly E-mail Blasts.
Use of office/conference room for meetings – Subject to availability.
Additional Business – 2 additional businesses can be listed the same as your primary business on all marketing materials and directories.
Additional Categories – Two additional categories to list your business. (Provides three locations in the Directory for your business)

Patron Level Investment – $1,550/Value – $3,500

Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 6 Complimentary tickets for the event.
Golf Tournament – Includes 1 team entry and an individual hole sponsorship.
Lake West Business Expo – You will have a complimentary booth at the show.
St. Pat’s Water Parade – Your name will be displayed on the back of the souvenir shirts that are sold each year.
Educational Series Sponsorship – When Educational Sponsorship events are held, you will be recognized as a contributing Member.
Weekly E-Mail Blasts – Tiered Company Logo sponsoring the Weekly E-mail Blasts.
Additional Categories – 1 additional category to list your business. (Provides two locations in the Directory for your business)
Website – Tier specific scrolling electronic banner on Chamber website.

Benefactor Level Investment – $1,000/Value – $2,700

Banner – As a Benefactor, your company will have a 3 x 6 colored logo banner that will be displayed at Outdoor Chamber Events.
Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 4 Complimentary tickets for the event.
Lake West Business Expo – You will have a complimentary booth at the Expo.
St. Pat’s Water Parade – Your name will be displayed on the back of the souvenir shirts that are sold each year.
Weekly E-Mail Blasts – Company Logo displayed on the Weekly E-mail Blasts
Additional Business – You will be able to list an additional business the same as your primary business on all marketing materials and directories.
Website – Scrolling electronic banner for your company on the Chamber website.
Retractable Banner – Logo on a Tiered Member banner will be displayed as a sponsor of all regular Chamber events such as Socials.

Business Level Investment – $500/Value – $1,500

Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 2 Complimentary tickets for the event.
Website – Listing in online Chamber directory to include, contact info/location, hotlink to website, and all social media.
St. Pat’s Water Parade – Your name will be displayed on the back of the souvenir shirts that are sold each year.
Kid’s Fishing Derby – Your name will be displayed on the back of the souvenir shirts that are sold each year.

Associate Level Investment – $300/Value – $1,100

Lake of the Ozarks Map – Listing on the Lake of the Ozarks printed Map.
Hot Link – A Hotlink to your website in the LWCC online Directory.

Non-Profit Level Investment – $150/Value – $800

Directory – Listing in the Online Membership Directory and the printed Lake wide Chamber Membership Directory.
Ribbon Cutting – Your business with picture and write up included in local media, Lake West Social Media and in the Chamber E-Blast.
Advertise – your business through Chamber weekly E-mail Blasts and all social media. (Email blasts sent every Wednesday)
Chamber Display – Business cards, brochures, and flyers displayed at Chamber office. Space also available at outside 24/7 Kiosk.
Marketing opportunities – Ad Hoc sponsorship of Chamber events is available.

Individual Level Investment-$100/Value – $600

Directory – Listing in the Online Membership Directory.
E-Mail Blasts – Receive information regarding upcoming events and business news
Chamber Networking Socials – interact with other members.
New Member SWAG Bag – Information and SWAG from Chamber Members.

The Lake of the Ozarks West Chamber replies to thousands of requests for services and local information each year. We only refer customers to our membership. If you are interested in joining our chamber, please contact us at 573-374-5500 or visit our website at www.lakewestchamber.com.

Building a stronger economy and a better business community since 1987!

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