Tips to Safely Reopen the Restaurant

With the stay-at-home order ending in Missouri, a lot of restaurants are excited to be able to reopen and start serving customers again! Before you open the doors, it's important to take a few precautions to make sure your employees and customers stay as healthy and as safe as possible. Lake West Chamber cares about you and your business, and we are here to help! Keep reading to learn about some important reopening tips.

Communicate with Employees

One of the most important parts about re-opening your restaurant will be effective communication with your employees. While everyone will likely be excited to return and get back to work, it's important to take a step back and make sure everything is done well. To help keep everyone safe, it's a good idea for all employees to wear masks while working. It's also important for employees to thoroughly wash their uniforms/clothing after every shift. Have a meeting with the team and make sure everyone knows what the new cleaning procedures are, and that they should stay home if they are feeling ill or have a fever.

Thoroughly Clean

Make sure you are well-stocked on cleaning supplies to help keep the business safe during reopening. Thoroughly sanitize each table after patrons leave, disinfect permanent menus or use disposable ones, and have employees wash their hands regularly and use hand sanitizer between each table they serve. It's more important now than ever to stay clean and not spread any germs that patrons may be bringing into the restaurant.

Keep a Safe Distance

Even though the stay-at-home order will be lifted this week, it is still important to maintain social distancing and not congregate in groups of more than 10 people. You can help these efforts by spacing out the tables in the restaurant so that diners can easily stay apart from one another while enjoying their meal. It's also a good idea to limit tabletops to ten people or less, and to change the way patrons wait for a table. Instead of having guests wait in a line inside the restaurant, take customers' phone numbers and call them when the table is ready so that they can safely wait in their cars. Bathrooms are another important thing to consider. If you have a restroom with more than one stall, it may be a good idea to post a sign on the door that can be flipped from "Open" to "Occupied" for each person that comes in to use it. That way only one person at a time can use the bathroom.

Reopening the Lake of the Ozarks

The Lake of the Ozarks is a strong community that Lake West Chamber is proud to be a part of. We are also proud to be participating in a collaboration to help member businesses reopen and get back on their feet with the "We are the Lake" promotion. If you are a current member of the CVB or the Lake West, Lake Area, Camdenton, Eldon, or Versailles Chamber of Commerce, then you can take advantage of this great promotion. We are working together to promote the re-opening of the region with videos that can help boost your business. To learn more, contact your collaborating Chamber or CVB!

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