How to Make the Most of WFH!

Lake West Chamber is always here for you to help promote your business and provide networking opportunities. Today we are talking on a more personal level about how to work from home, or "WFH" as people are saying. Working from home is the new normal for a lot of people due to the ongoing virus. If you are new to remote work, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you learn how to work from home without too much disruption to your typical home life. Read on to learn more! Regular Hours It's important to have defined hours for your day, even if you are not on a tight schedule. Without regularly defined hours, it could be easy to fall into the trap of working way too much and not knowing when to stop. It can be easy for some people to blur the lines between work and home in a regular week. When work and home are the same place, it can be even harder to set boundaries. If you have kids at home with you, it may not be easy or practical to work your typical ...