8 Membership Levels Available at Lake West Chamber!

At the Lake of the Ozarks West Chamber of Commerce , we have set up a tiered structure for membership . This allows each member to budget and choose the level of participation that fits their needs and invest accordingly. There are eight different levels in the tiered membership structure along with a non-business level that is for individuals, civic, organizations, and clubs. President Level Investment – $2550/Value – $7,900 Banner – As a President Level Member, your company will have a 3 x 8 colored logo banner that will be displayed at Outdoor Chamber Events. Annual Dinner – Your business will receive 8 Complimentary tickets for the event. Chamber office – A room named after your business, with a plaque prominently displayed at the office. Permanent Signage – 2×4 Sign prominently displayed in the West Wing conference room of the Chamber building. Weekly E-Mail Blasts – Your Company Logo will be prominently displayed on the...